Shader "VolumetricFog2/VolumetricFog2DURP" { Properties { [HideInInspector] _MainTex("Noise Texture", 2D) = "white" {} [HideInInspector] _DetailTex("Detail Texture", 3D) = "white" {} [HideInInspector] _NoiseScale("Noise Scale", Float) = 0.025 [HideInInspector] _NoiseFinalMultiplier("Noise Scale", Float) = 1.0 [HideInInspector] _NoiseStrength("Noise Strength", Float) = 1.0 [HideInInspector] _Color("Color", Color) = (1,1,1) [HideInInspector] _Density("Density", Float) = 1.0 [HideInInspector] _DeepObscurance("Deep Obscurance", Range(0, 2)) = 0.7 [HideInInspector] _LightColor("Light Color", Color) = (1,1,1) [HideInInspector] _LightDiffusionPower("Sun Diffusion Power", Range(1, 64)) = 32 [HideInInspector] _LightDiffusionIntensity("Sun Diffusion Intensity", Range(0, 1)) = 0.4 [HideInInspector] _SunDir("Sun Direction", Vector) = (1,0,0) [HideInInspector] _ShadowData("Shadow Data", Vector) = (0.5, 0, 62500) [HideInInspector] _WindDirection("Wind Direction", Vector) = (1, 0, 0) [HideInInspector] _DetailWindDirection("Detail Wind Direction", Vector) = (1, 0, 0) [HideInInspector] _RayMarchSettings("Raymarch Settings", Vector) = (2, 0.01, 1.0, 0.1) [HideInInspector] _BoundsCenter("Bounds Center", Vector) = (0,0,0) [HideInInspector] _BoundsExtents("Bounds Size", Vector) = (0,0,0) [HideInInspector] _BoundsBorder("Bounds Border", Vector) = (0,1,0) [HideInInspector] _BoundsData("Bounds Data", Vector) = (0,0,1) [HideInInspector] _DetailData("Detail Data", Vector) = (0.5, 4, -0.5, 0) [HideInInspector] _DetailColor("Detail Color", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,0) [HideInInspector] _DetailOffset("Detail Offset", Float) = -0.5 [HideInInspector] _DistanceData("Distance Data", Vector) = (0, 5, 1, 1) [HideInInspector] _DepthGradientTex("Depth Gradient Texture", 2D) = "white" {} [HideInInspector] _HeightGradientTex("Height Gradient Texture", 2D) = "white" {} [HideInInspector] _SpecularThreshold("Specular Threshold", Float) = 0.5 [HideInInspector] _SpecularIntensity("Specular Intensity", Float) = 0 [HideInInspector] _SpecularColor("Specular Color", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,0) [HideInInspector] _FogOfWarCenterAdjusted("FoW Center Adjusted", Vector) = (0,0,0) [HideInInspector] _FogOfWarSize("FoW Size", Vector) = (0,0,0) [HideInInspector] _FogOfWarCenter("FoW Center", Vector) = (0,0,0) [HideInInspector] _FogOfWar("FoW Texture", 2D) = "white" {} [HideInInspector] _BlueNoise("_Blue Noise Texture", 2D) = "white" {} [HideInInspector] _MaxDistanceData("Max Lengh Data", Vector) = (100000, 0.00001, 0) } SubShader { Tags { "RenderType" = "Transparent" "Queue" = "Transparent+100" "DisableBatching" = "True" "IgnoreProjector" = "True" "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline" } Blend One OneMinusSrcAlpha ZTest Always Cull Front ZWrite Off Pass { Tags { "LightMode" = "UniversalForward" } HLSLPROGRAM #pragma prefer_hlslcc gles #pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x #pragma target 3.0 #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #if UNITY_VERSION < 202100 #pragma multi_compile _ _MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS #pragma multi_compile _ _MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS_CASCADE #else #pragma multi_compile _ _MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS _MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS_CASCADE #endif #pragma multi_compile _ _ADDITIONAL_LIGHTS #pragma multi_compile _ _ADDITIONAL_LIGHT_SHADOWS #pragma multi_compile _ VF2_DEPTH_PREPASS #pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ VF2_POINT_LIGHTS VF2_NATIVE_LIGHTS #pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ VF2_RECEIVE_SHADOWS #pragma multi_compile_local_fragment VF2_SHAPE_BOX VF2_SHAPE_SPHERE #pragma multi_compile_local_fragment _ VF2_DETAIL_NOISE VF2_CONSTANT_DENSITY #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment VF2_DISTANCE #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment VF2_VOIDS #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment VF2_FOW #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment VF2_SURFACE #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment VF2_DEPTH_GRADIENT #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment VF2_HEIGHT_GRADIENT #pragma shader_feature_local_fragment VF2_LIGHT_COOKIE #if UNITY_VERSION >= 202200 #pragma multi_compile _ _FORWARD_PLUS #endif #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl" #undef SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D #define SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2) SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(textureName, samplerName, coord2, 0) #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl" #include "CommonsURP.hlsl" #include "Primitives.cginc" #include "ShadowsURP.cginc" #include "Raymarch2D.cginc" #include "PointLights.cginc" struct appdata { float4 vertex : POSITION; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID }; struct v2f { float4 pos : SV_POSITION; float3 wpos : TEXCOORD0; float4 scrPos : TEXCOORD1; UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID UNITY_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO }; int _ForcedInvisible; v2f vert(appdata v) { v2f o; UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID(v); UNITY_TRANSFER_INSTANCE_ID(v, o); UNITY_INITIALIZE_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO(o); o.pos = TransformObjectToHClip(; o.wpos = TransformObjectToWorld(; o.scrPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.pos); #if defined(UNITY_REVERSED_Z) o.pos.z = o.pos.w * UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE * 0.99999; // 0.99999 avoids precision issues on some Android devices causing unexpected clipping of light mesh #else o.pos.z = o.pos.w - 1.0e-6f; #endif if (_ForcedInvisible == 1) { o.pos.xy = -10000; } return o; } half4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID(i); UNITY_SETUP_STEREO_EYE_INDEX_POST_VERTEX(i); float3 rayStart = GetRayStart(i.wpos); float3 ray = i.wpos - rayStart; float t1 = length(ray); #if defined(FOG_ROTATION) float3 rayStartNonRotated = rayStart; float3 rayDirNonRotated = ray / t1; rayStart = RotateInv(rayStart); ray = mul((float3x3)_InvRotMatrix, ray); float3 rayDir = ray / t1; #else float3 rayDir = ray / t1; float3 rayStartNonRotated = rayStart; float3 rayDirNonRotated = rayDir; #endif #if VF2_SHAPE_SPHERE float t0; SphereIntersection(rayStart, rayDir, t0, t1); #else float t0 = BoxIntersection(rayStart, rayDir); #endif CLAMP_RAY_DEPTH(rayStartNonRotated, i.scrPos, t1); // clamp to geometry #if defined(FOG_MAX_DISTANCE_XZ) float slope = 1.0001 - abs(rayDir.y); FOG_MAX_LENGTH /= slope; #endif t1 = min(t1, FOG_MAX_LENGTH); // max distance if (t0>=t1) return 0; SetJitter(i.scrPos); half4 fogColor = GetFogColor(rayStart, rayDir, t0, t1); // dither fogColor.rgb = max(0, fogColor.rgb - jitter * DITHERING); // alpha fogColor *= _LightColor.a; #if VF2_POINT_LIGHTS AddPointLights(rayStartNonRotated, rayDirNonRotated, fogColor, t0, t1 - t0); #endif #if defined(FOG_MAX_DISTANCE_XZ) float fallOffFactor = FOG_MAX_LENGTH * FOG_MAX_LENGTH_FALLOFF + 1.0; half maxDistanceFallOff = (FOG_MAX_LENGTH - t0) / fallOffFactor; #else half maxDistanceFallOff = (FOG_MAX_LENGTH - t0) / FOG_MAX_LENGTH_FALLOFF_PRECOMPUTED; #endif fogColor *= saturate(maxDistanceFallOff * maxDistanceFallOff * maxDistanceFallOff * maxDistanceFallOff); return fogColor; } ENDHLSL } } }