Bladeren bron


litao 1 jaar geleden
47 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 31703 en 47 verwijderingen
  1. 1 1
  2. 131 0
  3. 8 0
  4. 131 0
  5. 8 0
  6. 160 0
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  8. BIN
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  10. BIN
  11. 123 0
  12. BIN
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      Assets/Art/animation/CM vcam1.controller
  15. 8 0
      Assets/Art/animation/CM vcam1.controller.meta
  16. 72 0
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  17. 8 0
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  18. 360 0
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  21. 8 0
  22. 547 0
  23. 8 0
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  25. 8 0
  26. 116 0
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  28. 72 0
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  30. 130 0
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  32. 170 0
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  34. 45 45
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  44. 10 0
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  46. 8 0
      Assets/Chinese Painting URP/Scenes/Demo 1/Globaldabaojian.asset.meta
  47. 1 1
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+ 1 - 1

@@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ Material:
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+ 131 - 0

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+ 8 - 0

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+ 131 - 0

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+ 8 - 0

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+ 160 - 0

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+ 72 - 0
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+ 1070 - 0

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+    startSizeZ:
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    size3D: 1
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+  ShapeModule:
+    serializedVersion: 6
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          - serializedVersion: 3
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+      value: 1
+      mode: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        minScalar: 1
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+          serializedVersion: 2
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+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
+            value: 1
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+            time: 1
+            value: 1
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          m_PostInfinity: 2
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+          serializedVersion: 2
+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
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+            inSlope: 0
+            outSlope: 0
+            tangentMode: 0
+            weightedMode: 0
+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 1
+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
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+            tangentMode: 0
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          m_PreInfinity: 2
+          m_PostInfinity: 2
+          m_RotationOrder: 4
+    arc:
+      value: 360
+      mode: 0
+      spread: 0
+      speed:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        minMaxState: 0
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+        minScalar: 1
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+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
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+            tangentMode: 0
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 1
+            value: 1
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+          m_PostInfinity: 2
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+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          m_PreInfinity: 2
+          m_PostInfinity: 2
+          m_RotationOrder: 4
+  EmissionModule:
+    enabled: 1
+    serializedVersion: 4
+    rateOverTime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 10
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    rateOverDistance:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    - serializedVersion: 2
+      time: 0
+      countCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        minScalar: 30
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+          - serializedVersion: 3
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+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
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+            inWeight: 0
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+          m_PostInfinity: 2
+          m_RotationOrder: 4
+      cycleCount: 1
+      repeatInterval: 0.01
+      probability: 1
+  SizeModule:
+    enabled: 1
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0.2272722
+          value: 0.9088122
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+          outSlope: 0.11800763
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          weightedMode: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 1
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outSlope: 0
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 1
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+  RotationModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0.7853982
+      minScalar: 0.7853982
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+  ColorModule:
+    enabled: 1
+    gradient:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
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+        ctime4: 0
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+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
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+        ctime7: 0
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+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+  UVModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 0
+    mode: 0
+    timeMode: 0
+    fps: 30
+    frameOverTime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 0.9999
+      minScalar: 0.9999
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    startFrame:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    tilesX: 1
+    tilesY: 1
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+    rowIndex: 0
+    cycles: 1
+    uvChannelMask: -1
+    rowMode: 1
+    sprites:
+    - sprite: {fileID: 0}
+    flipU: 0
+    flipV: 0
+  VelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
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+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    radial:
+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+  InheritVelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    m_Mode: 0
+    m_Curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+  LifetimeByEmitterSpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    m_Curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: -0.8
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0.2
+          inSlope: -0.8
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_Range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  ForceModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+    randomizePerFrame: 0
+  ExternalForcesModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 0
+    multiplierCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    influenceFilter: 0
+    influenceMask:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      m_Bits: 4294967295
+    influenceList: []
+  ClampVelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    magnitude:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxis: 0
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+    multiplyDragByParticleSize: 1
+    multiplyDragByParticleVelocity: 1
+    dampen: 0
+    drag:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+  NoiseModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    strength:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    strengthY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    strengthZ:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+    frequency: 0.5
+    damping: 1
+    octaves: 1
+    octaveMultiplier: 0.5
+    octaveScale: 2
+    quality: 2
+    scrollSpeed:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    remap:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: -1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 2
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 2
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    remapY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: -1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 2
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 2
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    remapZ:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: -1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 2
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 2
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    remapEnabled: 0
+    positionAmount:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    rotationAmount:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    sizeAmount:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+  SizeBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+    separateAxes: 0
+  RotationBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0.7853982
+      minScalar: 0.7853982
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  ColorBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    gradient:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  CollisionModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    serializedVersion: 4
+    type: 0
+    collisionMode: 0
+    colliderForce: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByParticleSize: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByParticleSpeed: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByCollisionAngle: 1
+    m_Planes: []
+    m_Dampen:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_Bounce:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_EnergyLossOnCollision:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    minKillSpeed: 0
+    maxKillSpeed: 10000
+    radiusScale: 1
+    collidesWith:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      m_Bits: 4294967295
+    maxCollisionShapes: 256
+    quality: 0
+    voxelSize: 0.5
+    collisionMessages: 0
+    collidesWithDynamic: 1
+    interiorCollisions: 0
+  TriggerModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    inside: 1
+    outside: 0
+    enter: 0
+    exit: 0
+    colliderQueryMode: 0
+    radiusScale: 1
+    primitives: []
+  SubModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 0
+    subEmitters:
+    - serializedVersion: 3
+      emitter: {fileID: 0}
+      type: 0
+      properties: 0
+      emitProbability: 1
+  LightsModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    ratio: 0
+    light: {fileID: 0}
+    randomDistribution: 1
+    color: 1
+    range: 1
+    intensity: 1
+    rangeCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    intensityCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    maxLights: 20
+  TrailModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    mode: 0
+    ratio: 1
+    lifetime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    minVertexDistance: 0.2
+    textureMode: 0
+    ribbonCount: 1
+    shadowBias: 0.5
+    worldSpace: 0
+    dieWithParticles: 1
+    sizeAffectsWidth: 1
+    sizeAffectsLifetime: 0
+    inheritParticleColor: 1
+    generateLightingData: 0
+    splitSubEmitterRibbons: 0
+    attachRibbonsToTransform: 0
+    colorOverLifetime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    widthOverTrail:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    colorOverTrail:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+  CustomDataModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    mode0: 0
+    vectorComponentCount0: 4
+    color0:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    colorLabel0: Color
+    vector0_0:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    vectorLabel0_0: X
+    vector0_1:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    vectorLabel0_1: Y
+    vector0_2:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    vectorLabel0_2: Z
+    vector0_3:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    vectorLabel0_3: W
+    mode1: 0
+    vectorComponentCount1: 4
+    color1:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    colorLabel1: Color
+    vector1_0:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
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+--- !u!198 &1632437910
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+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
+            outSlope: 0
+            tangentMode: 0
+            weightedMode: 0
+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          m_PreInfinity: 2
+          m_PostInfinity: 2
+          m_RotationOrder: 4
+  EmissionModule:
+    enabled: 1
+    serializedVersion: 4
+    rateOverTime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 5
+      minScalar: 10
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    rateOverDistance:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_BurstCount: 1
+    m_Bursts:
+    - serializedVersion: 2
+      time: 0
+      countCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        minMaxState: 0
+        scalar: 10
+        minScalar: 30
+        maxCurve:
+          serializedVersion: 2
+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
+            outSlope: 0
+            tangentMode: 0
+            weightedMode: 0
+            inWeight: 0
+            outWeight: 0
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 1
+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
+            outSlope: 0
+            tangentMode: 0
+            weightedMode: 0
+            inWeight: 0
+            outWeight: 0
+          m_PreInfinity: 2
+          m_PostInfinity: 2
+          m_RotationOrder: 4
+        minCurve:
+          serializedVersion: 2
+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
+            outSlope: 0
+            tangentMode: 0
+            weightedMode: 0
+            inWeight: 0
+            outWeight: 0
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 1
+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
+            outSlope: 0
+            tangentMode: 0
+            weightedMode: 0
+            inWeight: 0
+            outWeight: 0
+          m_PreInfinity: 2
+          m_PostInfinity: 2
+          m_RotationOrder: 4
+      cycleCount: 1
+      repeatInterval: 0.01
+      probability: 1
+  SizeModule:
+    enabled: 1
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0
+          outWeight: 0
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: -2
+          outSlope: -2
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0
+          outWeight: 0
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0
+          outWeight: 0
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0
+          outWeight: 0
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 34
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0
+          outWeight: 0
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 34
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0
+          outWeight: 0
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 1
+  RotationModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0.7853982
+      minScalar: 0.7853982
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+  ColorModule:
+    enabled: 1
+    gradient:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 32761
+        ctime2: 65535
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 3
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+  UVModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 0
+    mode: 0
+    timeMode: 0
+    fps: 30
+    frameOverTime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 0.9999
+      minScalar: 0.9999
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    startFrame:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    speedRange: {x: 0, y: 1}
+    tilesX: 1
+    tilesY: 1
+    animationType: 0
+    rowIndex: 0
+    cycles: 1
+    uvChannelMask: -1
+    rowMode: 1
+    sprites:
+    - sprite: {fileID: 0}
+    flipU: 0
+    flipV: 0
+  VelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    orbitalX:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    orbitalY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    orbitalZ:
+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+    orbitalOffsetX:
+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
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+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    orbitalOffsetY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    orbitalOffsetZ:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    radial:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    speedModifier:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+  InheritVelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    m_Mode: 0
+    m_Curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+  LifetimeByEmitterSpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    m_Curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: -0.8
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0.2
+          inSlope: -0.8
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_Range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  ForceModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+    randomizePerFrame: 0
+  ExternalForcesModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 0
+    multiplierCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    influenceFilter: 0
+    influenceMask:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      m_Bits: 4294967295
+    influenceList: []
+  ClampVelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    magnitude:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxis: 0
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+    multiplyDragByParticleSize: 1
+    multiplyDragByParticleVelocity: 1
+    dampen: 0
+    drag:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+  NoiseModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    strength:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    strengthY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
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+      minScalar: 1
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
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+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
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+      minScalar: 1
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    separateAxes: 0
+    frequency: 0.5
+    damping: 1
+    octaves: 1
+    octaveMultiplier: 0.5
+    octaveScale: 2
+    quality: 2
+    scrollSpeed:
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    remap:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    remapY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
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+      minScalar: 1
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    remapZ:
+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 1
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    remapEnabled: 0
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+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    sizeAmount:
+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+  SizeBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+    separateAxes: 0
+  RotationBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0.7853982
+      minScalar: 0.7853982
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  ColorBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    gradient:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  CollisionModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    serializedVersion: 4
+    type: 0
+    collisionMode: 0
+    colliderForce: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByParticleSize: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByParticleSpeed: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByCollisionAngle: 1
+    m_Planes: []
+    m_Dampen:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_Bounce:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_EnergyLossOnCollision:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    minKillSpeed: 0
+    maxKillSpeed: 10000
+    radiusScale: 1
+    collidesWith:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      m_Bits: 4294967295
+    maxCollisionShapes: 256
+    quality: 0
+    voxelSize: 0.5
+    collisionMessages: 0
+    collidesWithDynamic: 1
+    interiorCollisions: 0
+  TriggerModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    inside: 1
+    outside: 0
+    enter: 0
+    exit: 0
+    colliderQueryMode: 0
+    radiusScale: 1
+    primitives: []
+  SubModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 0
+    subEmitters:
+    - serializedVersion: 3
+      emitter: {fileID: 0}
+      type: 0
+      properties: 0
+      emitProbability: 1
+  LightsModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    ratio: 0
+    light: {fileID: 0}
+    randomDistribution: 1
+    color: 1
+    range: 1
+    intensity: 1
+    rangeCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    intensityCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    maxLights: 20
+  TrailModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    mode: 0
+    ratio: 1
+    lifetime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    minVertexDistance: 0.2
+    textureMode: 0
+    ribbonCount: 1
+    shadowBias: 0.5
+    worldSpace: 0
+    dieWithParticles: 1
+    sizeAffectsWidth: 1
+    sizeAffectsLifetime: 0
+    inheritParticleColor: 1
+    generateLightingData: 0
+    splitSubEmitterRibbons: 0
+    attachRibbonsToTransform: 0
+    colorOverLifetime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    widthOverTrail:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    colorOverTrail:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+  CustomDataModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    mode0: 0
+    vectorComponentCount0: 4
+    color0:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+  ShapeModule:
+    serializedVersion: 6
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+      value: 1
+      mode: 0
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+      speed:
+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        minScalar: 1
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+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
+            value: 1
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+            time: 1
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          m_PostInfinity: 2
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+          serializedVersion: 2
+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
+            outSlope: 0
+            tangentMode: 0
+            weightedMode: 0
+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 1
+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
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+            tangentMode: 0
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          m_PreInfinity: 2
+          m_PostInfinity: 2
+          m_RotationOrder: 4
+    arc:
+      value: 360
+      mode: 0
+      spread: 0
+      speed:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        minMaxState: 0
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+        minScalar: 1
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+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
+            value: 1
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+            outSlope: 0
+            tangentMode: 0
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 1
+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
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+          m_PostInfinity: 2
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+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          m_PostInfinity: 2
+          m_RotationOrder: 4
+  EmissionModule:
+    enabled: 1
+    serializedVersion: 4
+    rateOverTime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 10
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    rateOverDistance:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    - serializedVersion: 2
+      time: 0
+      countCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        minMaxState: 0
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+        minScalar: 30
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+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
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+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
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+            inWeight: 0
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+          m_PreInfinity: 2
+          m_PostInfinity: 2
+          m_RotationOrder: 4
+      cycleCount: 1
+      repeatInterval: 0.01
+      probability: 1
+  SizeModule:
+    enabled: 1
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 1.4182774
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+          outWeight: 0.10711663
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+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          value: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
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+      minScalar: 1
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+  RotationModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0.7853982
+      minScalar: 0.7853982
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+  ColorModule:
+    enabled: 1
+    gradient:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 32761
+        ctime2: 65535
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 3
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+  UVModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 0
+    mode: 0
+    timeMode: 0
+    fps: 30
+    frameOverTime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 0.9999
+      minScalar: 0.9999
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    startFrame:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    speedRange: {x: 0, y: 1}
+    tilesX: 1
+    tilesY: 1
+    animationType: 0
+    rowIndex: 0
+    cycles: 1
+    uvChannelMask: -1
+    rowMode: 1
+    sprites:
+    - sprite: {fileID: 0}
+    flipU: 0
+    flipV: 0
+  VelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    orbitalX:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    orbitalY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    orbitalZ:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    orbitalOffsetX:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    orbitalOffsetY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    orbitalOffsetZ:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    radial:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    speedModifier:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+  InheritVelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    m_Mode: 0
+    m_Curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+  LifetimeByEmitterSpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    m_Curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: -0.8
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0.2
+          inSlope: -0.8
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_Range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  ForceModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+    randomizePerFrame: 0
+  ExternalForcesModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 0
+    multiplierCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    influenceFilter: 0
+    influenceMask:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      m_Bits: 4294967295
+    influenceList: []
+  ClampVelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    magnitude:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxis: 0
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+    multiplyDragByParticleSize: 1
+    multiplyDragByParticleVelocity: 1
+    dampen: 0
+    drag:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+  NoiseModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    strength:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    strengthY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    strengthZ:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+    frequency: 0.5
+    damping: 1
+    octaves: 1
+    octaveMultiplier: 0.5
+    octaveScale: 2
+    quality: 2
+    scrollSpeed:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    remap:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    remapY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
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+      minScalar: 1
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    remapZ:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: -1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 2
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 2
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    remapEnabled: 0
+    positionAmount:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    rotationAmount:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    sizeAmount:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+  SizeBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+    separateAxes: 0
+  RotationBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0.7853982
+      minScalar: 0.7853982
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  ColorBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    gradient:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  CollisionModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    serializedVersion: 4
+    type: 0
+    collisionMode: 0
+    colliderForce: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByParticleSize: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByParticleSpeed: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByCollisionAngle: 1
+    m_Planes: []
+    m_Dampen:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_Bounce:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_EnergyLossOnCollision:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    minKillSpeed: 0
+    maxKillSpeed: 10000
+    radiusScale: 1
+    collidesWith:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      m_Bits: 4294967295
+    maxCollisionShapes: 256
+    quality: 0
+    voxelSize: 0.5
+    collisionMessages: 0
+    collidesWithDynamic: 1
+    interiorCollisions: 0
+  TriggerModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    inside: 1
+    outside: 0
+    enter: 0
+    exit: 0
+    colliderQueryMode: 0
+    radiusScale: 1
+    primitives: []
+  SubModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 0
+    subEmitters:
+    - serializedVersion: 3
+      emitter: {fileID: 0}
+      type: 0
+      properties: 0
+      emitProbability: 1
+  LightsModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    ratio: 0
+    light: {fileID: 0}
+    randomDistribution: 1
+    color: 1
+    range: 1
+    intensity: 1
+    rangeCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    intensityCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    maxLights: 20
+  TrailModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    mode: 0
+    ratio: 1
+    lifetime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    minVertexDistance: 0.2
+    textureMode: 0
+    ribbonCount: 1
+    shadowBias: 0.5
+    worldSpace: 0
+    dieWithParticles: 1
+    sizeAffectsWidth: 1
+    sizeAffectsLifetime: 0
+    inheritParticleColor: 1
+    generateLightingData: 0
+    splitSubEmitterRibbons: 0
+    attachRibbonsToTransform: 0
+    colorOverLifetime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    widthOverTrail:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    colorOverTrail:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+  CustomDataModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    mode0: 0
+    vectorComponentCount0: 4
+    color0:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    colorLabel0: Color
+    vector0_0:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    vectorLabel0_0: X
+    vector0_1:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    vectorLabel0_1: Y
+    vector0_2:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    vectorLabel0_2: Z
+    vector0_3:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+  ShapeModule:
+    serializedVersion: 6
+    enabled: 0
+    type: 0
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+          - serializedVersion: 3
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+            outSlope: 0
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
+            value: 1
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          - serializedVersion: 3
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    m_TextureAlphaAffectsParticles: 1
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+      value: 0.01
+      mode: 0
+      spread: 0
+      speed:
+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        minScalar: 1
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+          - serializedVersion: 3
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 1
+            value: 1
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+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          m_PostInfinity: 2
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+          serializedVersion: 2
+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
+            outSlope: 0
+            tangentMode: 0
+            weightedMode: 0
+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 1
+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
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+            tangentMode: 0
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          m_PreInfinity: 2
+          m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    arc:
+      value: 360
+      mode: 0
+      spread: 0
+      speed:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        minMaxState: 0
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+        minScalar: 1
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+          serializedVersion: 2
+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
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+            tangentMode: 0
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 1
+            value: 1
+            inSlope: 0
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+          m_PostInfinity: 2
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+          serializedVersion: 2
+          m_Curve:
+          - serializedVersion: 3
+            time: 0
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+            outSlope: 0
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+            weightedMode: 0
+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
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+            inWeight: 0.33333334
+            outWeight: 0.33333334
+          m_PreInfinity: 2
+          m_PostInfinity: 2
+          m_RotationOrder: 4
+  EmissionModule:
+    enabled: 1
+    serializedVersion: 4
+    rateOverTime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0.125
+      minScalar: 10
+      maxCurve:
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    rateOverDistance:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    m_Bursts: []
+  SizeModule:
+    enabled: 0
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 1
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          value: 1
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+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 1
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+  RotationModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          tangentMode: 0
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
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+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      scalar: 0.7853982
+      minScalar: 0.7853982
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+  ColorModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    gradient:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
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+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
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+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
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+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
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+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
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+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+  UVModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 1
+    mode: 0
+    timeMode: 0
+    fps: 30
+    frameOverTime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 0.9999
+      minScalar: 0.9999
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    startFrame:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+    tilesX: 16
+    tilesY: 16
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+    cycles: 1
+    uvChannelMask: -1
+    rowMode: 1
+    sprites:
+    - sprite: {fileID: 0}
+    flipU: 0
+    flipV: 0
+  VelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      minCurve:
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
+          value: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
+          value: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          time: 1
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+      minScalar: 0
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+      minScalar: 0
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+        serializedVersion: 2
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+        - serializedVersion: 3
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+          outWeight: 0.33333334
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+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    speedModifier:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+  InheritVelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    m_Mode: 0
+    m_Curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+  LifetimeByEmitterSpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    m_Curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: -0.8
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0.2
+          inSlope: -0.8
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_Range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  ForceModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+    randomizePerFrame: 0
+  ExternalForcesModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 0
+    multiplierCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    influenceFilter: 0
+    influenceMask:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      m_Bits: 4294967295
+    influenceList: []
+  ClampVelocityModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    magnitude:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxis: 0
+    inWorldSpace: 0
+    multiplyDragByParticleSize: 1
+    multiplyDragByParticleVelocity: 1
+    dampen: 1
+    drag:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+  NoiseModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    strength:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    strengthY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    strengthZ:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+    frequency: 0.5
+    damping: 1
+    octaves: 1
+    octaveMultiplier: 0.5
+    octaveScale: 2
+    quality: 2
+    scrollSpeed:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    remap:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: -1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 2
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 2
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    remapY:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: -1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 2
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 2
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    remapZ:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: -1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 2
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 2
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    remapEnabled: 0
+    positionAmount:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    rotationAmount:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    sizeAmount:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+  SizeBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    z:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 1
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 1
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+    separateAxes: 0
+  RotationBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    x:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    y:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    curve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0.7853982
+      minScalar: 0.7853982
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    separateAxes: 0
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  ColorBySpeedModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    gradient:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 1
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    range: {x: 0, y: 1}
+  CollisionModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    serializedVersion: 4
+    type: 0
+    collisionMode: 0
+    colliderForce: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByParticleSize: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByParticleSpeed: 0
+    multiplyColliderForceByCollisionAngle: 1
+    m_Planes:
+    - {fileID: 0}
+    - {fileID: 0}
+    - {fileID: 0}
+    - {fileID: 0}
+    - {fileID: 0}
+    - {fileID: 0}
+    m_Dampen:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_Bounce:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    m_EnergyLossOnCollision:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    minKillSpeed: 0
+    maxKillSpeed: 10000
+    radiusScale: 1
+    collidesWith:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      m_Bits: 4294967295
+    maxCollisionShapes: 256
+    quality: 0
+    voxelSize: 0.5
+    collisionMessages: 0
+    collidesWithDynamic: 1
+    interiorCollisions: 1
+  TriggerModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    inside: 1
+    outside: 0
+    enter: 0
+    exit: 0
+    colliderQueryMode: 0
+    radiusScale: 1
+    primitives: []
+  SubModule:
+    serializedVersion: 2
+    enabled: 0
+    subEmitters:
+    - serializedVersion: 3
+      emitter: {fileID: 0}
+      type: 0
+      properties: 0
+      emitProbability: 1
+  LightsModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    ratio: 0
+    light: {fileID: 0}
+    randomDistribution: 1
+    color: 1
+    range: 1
+    intensity: 1
+    rangeCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    intensityCurve:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    maxLights: 20
+  TrailModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    mode: 0
+    ratio: 1
+    lifetime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    minVertexDistance: 0.2
+    textureMode: 0
+    ribbonCount: 1
+    shadowBias: 0.5
+    worldSpace: 0
+    dieWithParticles: 1
+    sizeAffectsWidth: 1
+    sizeAffectsLifetime: 0
+    inheritParticleColor: 1
+    generateLightingData: 0
+    splitSubEmitterRibbons: 0
+    attachRibbonsToTransform: 0
+    colorOverLifetime:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    widthOverTrail:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 1
+      minScalar: 1
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 1
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    colorOverTrail:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+  CustomDataModule:
+    enabled: 0
+    mode0: 0
+    vectorComponentCount0: 4
+    color0:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+    colorLabel0: Color
+    vector0_0:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    vectorLabel0_0: X
+    vector0_1:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    vectorLabel0_1: Y
+    vector0_2:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    vectorLabel0_2: Z
+    vector0_3:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      scalar: 0
+      minScalar: 0
+      maxCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+      minCurve:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        m_Curve:
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 0
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        - serializedVersion: 3
+          time: 1
+          value: 0
+          inSlope: 0
+          outSlope: 0
+          tangentMode: 0
+          weightedMode: 0
+          inWeight: 0.33333334
+          outWeight: 0.33333334
+        m_PreInfinity: 2
+        m_PostInfinity: 2
+        m_RotationOrder: 4
+    vectorLabel0_3: W
+    mode1: 0
+    vectorComponentCount1: 4
+    color1:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      minMaxState: 0
+      minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+      maxGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
+        m_NumAlphaKeys: 2
+      minGradient:
+        serializedVersion: 2
+        key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
+        key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+        ctime0: 0
+        ctime1: 65535
+        ctime2: 0
+        ctime3: 0
+        ctime4: 0
+        ctime5: 0
+        ctime6: 0
+        ctime7: 0
+        atime0: 0
+        atime1: 65535
+        atime2: 0
+        atime3: 0
+        atime4: 0
+        atime5: 0
+        atime6: 0
+        atime7: 0
+        m_Mode: 0
+        m_NumColorKeys: 2
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+    - _Main_Color: {r: 1.5671693, g: 1.0001854, b: 0.8664026, a: 1}
+    - _Main_UV: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+    - _Mask_UV: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
+    - _SpecColor: {r: 0.2, g: 0.2, b: 0.2, a: 1}
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+  m_BuildTextureStacks: []
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+  m_Name: 
+  m_EditorClassIdentifier: 
+  version: 5

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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+  mainObjectFileID: 2100000
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+  assetBundleName: 
+  assetBundleVariant: 

+ 1831 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1831 @@
+// Made with Amplify Shader Editor
+// Available at the Unity Asset Store - 
+Shader "LT/Add"
+	Properties
+	{
+		[HideInInspector] _AlphaCutoff("Alpha Cutoff ", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
+		[HideInInspector] _EmissionColor("Emission Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
+		[ASEBegin]_MainTex("MainTex", 2D) = "white" {}
+		[HDR]_Color("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
+		_Intensity("Intensity", Range( 0 , 60)) = 1
+		_MainTexChannel("通道选择", Vector) = (1,0,0,0)
+		_MainTexRotation("贴图旋转", Range( 0 , 1)) = 0
+		[ASEEnd]_ca("_ca", Float) = 1
+		[HideInInspector]_QueueOffset("_QueueOffset", Float) = 0
+        [HideInInspector]_QueueControl("_QueueControl", Float) = -1
+        [HideInInspector][NoScaleOffset]unity_Lightmaps("unity_Lightmaps", 2DArray) = "" {}
+        [HideInInspector][NoScaleOffset]unity_LightmapsInd("unity_LightmapsInd", 2DArray) = "" {}
+        [HideInInspector][NoScaleOffset]unity_ShadowMasks("unity_ShadowMasks", 2DArray) = "" {}
+		//_TessPhongStrength( "Tess Phong Strength", Range( 0, 1 ) ) = 0.5
+		//_TessValue( "Tess Max Tessellation", Range( 1, 32 ) ) = 16
+		//_TessMin( "Tess Min Distance", Float ) = 10
+		//_TessMax( "Tess Max Distance", Float ) = 25
+		//_TessEdgeLength ( "Tess Edge length", Range( 2, 50 ) ) = 16
+		//_TessMaxDisp( "Tess Max Displacement", Float ) = 25
+	}
+	SubShader
+	{
+		LOD 0
+		Tags { "RenderPipeline"="UniversalPipeline" "RenderType"="Transparent" "Queue"="Transparent" }
+		Cull Off
+		AlphaToMask Off
+		#pragma target 3.0
+		#pragma prefer_hlslcc gles
+		#pragma only_renderers d3d9 d3d11 glcore gles gles3 metal vulkan nomrt 
+		#ifndef ASE_TESS_FUNCS
+		#define ASE_TESS_FUNCS
+		float4 FixedTess( float tessValue )
+		{
+			return tessValue;
+		}
+		float CalcDistanceTessFactor (float4 vertex, float minDist, float maxDist, float tess, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos )
+		{
+			float3 wpos = mul(o2w,vertex).xyz;
+			float dist = distance (wpos, cameraPos);
+			float f = clamp(1.0 - (dist - minDist) / (maxDist - minDist), 0.01, 1.0) * tess;
+			return f;
+		}
+		float4 CalcTriEdgeTessFactors (float3 triVertexFactors)
+		{
+			float4 tess;
+			tess.x = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.y + triVertexFactors.z);
+			tess.y = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.z);
+			tess.z = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.y);
+			tess.w = (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.y + triVertexFactors.z) / 3.0f;
+			return tess;
+		}
+		float CalcEdgeTessFactor (float3 wpos0, float3 wpos1, float edgeLen, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams )
+		{
+			float dist = distance (0.5 * (wpos0+wpos1), cameraPos);
+			float len = distance(wpos0, wpos1);
+			float f = max(len * scParams.y / (edgeLen * dist), 1.0);
+			return f;
+		}
+		float DistanceFromPlane (float3 pos, float4 plane)
+		{
+			float d = dot (float4(pos,1.0f), plane);
+			return d;
+		}
+		bool WorldViewFrustumCull (float3 wpos0, float3 wpos1, float3 wpos2, float cullEps, float4 planes[6] )
+		{
+			float4 planeTest;
+			planeTest.x = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+			planeTest.y = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+			planeTest.z = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+			planeTest.w = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+			return !all (planeTest);
+		}
+		float4 DistanceBasedTess( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float tess, float minDist, float maxDist, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos )
+		{
+			float3 f;
+			f.x = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v0,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos);
+			f.y = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v1,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos);
+			f.z = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v2,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos);
+			return CalcTriEdgeTessFactors (f);
+		}
+		float4 EdgeLengthBasedTess( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float edgeLength, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams )
+		{
+			float3 pos0 = mul(o2w,v0).xyz;
+			float3 pos1 = mul(o2w,v1).xyz;
+			float3 pos2 = mul(o2w,v2).xyz;
+			float4 tess;
+			tess.x = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos1, pos2, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+			tess.y = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos2, pos0, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+			tess.z = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos0, pos1, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+			tess.w = (tess.x + tess.y + tess.z) / 3.0f;
+			return tess;
+		}
+		float4 EdgeLengthBasedTessCull( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float edgeLength, float maxDisplacement, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams, float4 planes[6] )
+		{
+			float3 pos0 = mul(o2w,v0).xyz;
+			float3 pos1 = mul(o2w,v1).xyz;
+			float3 pos2 = mul(o2w,v2).xyz;
+			float4 tess;
+			if (WorldViewFrustumCull(pos0, pos1, pos2, maxDisplacement, planes))
+			{
+				tess = 0.0f;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				tess.x = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos1, pos2, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+				tess.y = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos2, pos0, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+				tess.z = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos0, pos1, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+				tess.w = (tess.x + tess.y + tess.z) / 3.0f;
+			}
+			return tess;
+		}
+		#endif //ASE_TESS_FUNCS
+		Pass
+		{
+			Name "Forward"
+			Tags { "LightMode"="UniversalForwardOnly" }
+			Blend One One, One OneMinusSrcAlpha
+			ZWrite Off
+			ZTest LEqual
+			Offset 0 , 0
+			ColorMask RGBA
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma multi_compile _ LIGHTMAP_ON
+			#pragma multi_compile _ DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED
+			#pragma shader_feature _ _SAMPLE_GI
+			#pragma multi_compile _ _DBUFFER_MRT1 _DBUFFER_MRT2 _DBUFFER_MRT3
+			#pragma multi_compile _ DEBUG_DISPLAY
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DBuffer.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Debug/Debugging3D.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Input.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/SurfaceData.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+				float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+				float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
+				#endif
+				float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1;
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+				float fogFactor : TEXCOORD2;
+				#endif
+				float4 ase_texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _MainTexChannel;
+			float4 _Color;
+			float _MainTexRotation;
+			float _Intensity;
+			float _ca;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			sampler2D _MainTex;
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction ( VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0;
+				o.ase_texcoord3.xy = v.ase_texcoord.xy;
+				o.ase_color = v.ase_color;
+				//setting value to unused interpolator channels and avoid initialization warnings
+ = 0;
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				float4 positionCS = TransformWorldToHClip( positionWS );
+				o.worldPos = positionWS;
+				#endif
+				VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = (VertexPositionInputs)0;
+				vertexInput.positionWS = positionWS;
+				vertexInput.positionCS = positionCS;
+				o.shadowCoord = GetShadowCoord( vertexInput );
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+				o.fogFactor = ComputeFogFactor( positionCS.z );
+				#endif
+				o.clipPos = positionCS;
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+				float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				o.ase_texcoord = v.ase_texcoord;
+				o.ase_color = v.ase_color;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z;
+				o.ase_color = patch[0].ase_color * bary.x + patch[1].ase_color * bary.y + patch[2].ase_color * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag ( VertexOutput IN  ) : SV_Target
+			{
+				float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos;
+				#endif
+				float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+						ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord;
+						ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition );
+					#endif
+				#endif
+				float cos25 = cos( (0.0 + (_MainTexRotation - 0.0) * (( 2.0 * PI ) - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.0)) );
+				float sin25 = sin( (0.0 + (_MainTexRotation - 0.0) * (( 2.0 * PI ) - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.0)) );
+				float2 rotator25 = mul( IN.ase_texcoord3.xy - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) , float2x2( cos25 , -sin25 , sin25 , cos25 )) + float2( 0.5,0.5 );
+				float4 break18 = ( tex2D( _MainTex, rotator25 ) * _MainTexChannel );
+				float clampResult20 = clamp( ( break18.r + break18.g + break18.b + break18.a ) , 0.0 , 1.0 );
+				float3 BakedAlbedo = 0;
+				float3 BakedEmission = 0;
+				float3 Color = ( clampResult20 * IN.ase_color * _Color * _Intensity * _ca ).rgb;
+				float Alpha = 1;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				float AlphaClipThresholdShadow = 0.5;
+				#ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON
+					clip( Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold );
+				#endif
+				#if defined(_DBUFFER)
+					ApplyDecalToBaseColor(IN.clipPos, Color);
+				#endif
+				#if defined(_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON)
+				Color *= Alpha;
+				#endif
+					LODDitheringTransition(, unity_LODFade.x );
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+					Color = MixFog( Color, IN.fogFactor );
+				#endif
+				return half4( Color, Alpha );
+			}
+		}
+		Pass
+		{
+			Name "DepthOnly"
+			Tags { "LightMode"="DepthOnly" }
+			ZWrite On
+			ColorMask 0
+			AlphaToMask Off
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+				float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
+				#endif
+				float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1;
+				#endif
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _MainTexChannel;
+			float4 _Color;
+			float _MainTexRotation;
+			float _Intensity;
+			float _ca;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction( VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0;
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				o.worldPos = positionWS;
+				#endif
+				o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip( positionWS );
+					VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = (VertexPositionInputs)0;
+					vertexInput.positionWS = positionWS;
+					vertexInput.positionCS = o.clipPos;
+					o.shadowCoord = GetShadowCoord( vertexInput );
+				#endif
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag(VertexOutput IN  ) : SV_TARGET
+			{
+				float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos;
+				#endif
+				float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+						ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord;
+						ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition );
+					#endif
+				#endif
+				float Alpha = 1;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				#ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON
+					clip(Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold);
+				#endif
+					LODDitheringTransition(, unity_LODFade.x );
+				#endif
+				return 0;
+			}
+		}
+		Pass
+		{
+			Name "Universal2D"
+			Tags { "LightMode"="Universal2D" }
+			Blend One One, One OneMinusSrcAlpha
+			ZWrite Off
+			ZTest LEqual
+			Offset 0 , 0
+			ColorMask RGBA
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma multi_compile _ LIGHTMAP_ON
+			#pragma multi_compile _ DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED
+			#pragma shader_feature _ _SAMPLE_GI
+			#pragma multi_compile _ _DBUFFER_MRT1 _DBUFFER_MRT2 _DBUFFER_MRT3
+			#pragma multi_compile _ DEBUG_DISPLAY
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DBuffer.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Debug/Debugging3D.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Input.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/SurfaceData.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+				float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+				float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
+				#endif
+				float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1;
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+				float fogFactor : TEXCOORD2;
+				#endif
+				float4 ase_texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _MainTexChannel;
+			float4 _Color;
+			float _MainTexRotation;
+			float _Intensity;
+			float _ca;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			sampler2D _MainTex;
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction ( VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0;
+				o.ase_texcoord3.xy = v.ase_texcoord.xy;
+				o.ase_color = v.ase_color;
+				//setting value to unused interpolator channels and avoid initialization warnings
+ = 0;
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				float4 positionCS = TransformWorldToHClip( positionWS );
+				o.worldPos = positionWS;
+				#endif
+				VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = (VertexPositionInputs)0;
+				vertexInput.positionWS = positionWS;
+				vertexInput.positionCS = positionCS;
+				o.shadowCoord = GetShadowCoord( vertexInput );
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+				o.fogFactor = ComputeFogFactor( positionCS.z );
+				#endif
+				o.clipPos = positionCS;
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+				float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				o.ase_texcoord = v.ase_texcoord;
+				o.ase_color = v.ase_color;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z;
+				o.ase_color = patch[0].ase_color * bary.x + patch[1].ase_color * bary.y + patch[2].ase_color * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag ( VertexOutput IN  ) : SV_Target
+			{
+				float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos;
+				#endif
+				float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+						ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord;
+						ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition );
+					#endif
+				#endif
+				float cos25 = cos( (0.0 + (_MainTexRotation - 0.0) * (( 2.0 * PI ) - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.0)) );
+				float sin25 = sin( (0.0 + (_MainTexRotation - 0.0) * (( 2.0 * PI ) - 0.0) / (1.0 - 0.0)) );
+				float2 rotator25 = mul( IN.ase_texcoord3.xy - float2( 0.5,0.5 ) , float2x2( cos25 , -sin25 , sin25 , cos25 )) + float2( 0.5,0.5 );
+				float4 break18 = ( tex2D( _MainTex, rotator25 ) * _MainTexChannel );
+				float clampResult20 = clamp( ( break18.r + break18.g + break18.b + break18.a ) , 0.0 , 1.0 );
+				float3 BakedAlbedo = 0;
+				float3 BakedEmission = 0;
+				float3 Color = ( clampResult20 * IN.ase_color * _Color * _Intensity * _ca ).rgb;
+				float Alpha = 1;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				float AlphaClipThresholdShadow = 0.5;
+				#ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON
+					clip( Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold );
+				#endif
+				#if defined(_DBUFFER)
+					ApplyDecalToBaseColor(IN.clipPos, Color);
+				#endif
+				#if defined(_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON)
+				Color *= Alpha;
+				#endif
+					LODDitheringTransition(, unity_LODFade.x );
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+					Color = MixFog( Color, IN.fogFactor );
+				#endif
+				return half4( Color, Alpha );
+			}
+		}
+        Pass
+        {
+            Name "SceneSelectionPass"
+            Tags { "LightMode"="SceneSelectionPass" }
+			Cull Off
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma only_renderers d3d11 glcore gles gles3 
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _MainTexChannel;
+			float4 _Color;
+			float _MainTexRotation;
+			float _Intensity;
+			float _ca;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			int _ObjectId;
+			int _PassValue;
+			struct SurfaceDescription
+			{
+				float Alpha;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold;
+			};
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction(VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o;
+				ZERO_INITIALIZE(VertexOutput, o);
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS);
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET
+			{
+				SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0;
+				surfaceDescription.Alpha = 1;
+				surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				#if _ALPHATEST_ON
+					float alphaClipThreshold = 0.01f;
+						alphaClipThreshold = surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold;
+					#endif
+					clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - alphaClipThreshold);
+				#endif
+				half4 outColor = half4(_ObjectId, _PassValue, 1.0, 1.0);
+				return outColor;
+			}
+        }
+        Pass
+        {
+            Name "ScenePickingPass"
+            Tags { "LightMode"="Picking" }
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma only_renderers d3d11 glcore gles gles3 
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _MainTexChannel;
+			float4 _Color;
+			float _MainTexRotation;
+			float _Intensity;
+			float _ca;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			float4 _SelectionID;
+			struct SurfaceDescription
+			{
+				float Alpha;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold;
+			};
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction(VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o;
+				ZERO_INITIALIZE(VertexOutput, o);
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS);
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET
+			{
+				SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0;
+				surfaceDescription.Alpha = 1;
+				surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				#if _ALPHATEST_ON
+					float alphaClipThreshold = 0.01f;
+						alphaClipThreshold = surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold;
+					#endif
+					clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - alphaClipThreshold);
+				#endif
+				half4 outColor = 0;
+				outColor = _SelectionID;
+				return outColor;
+			}
+        }
+        Pass
+        {
+            Name "DepthNormals"
+            Tags { "LightMode"="DepthNormalsOnly" }
+			ZTest LEqual
+			ZWrite On
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma only_renderers d3d11 glcore gles gles3 
+			#pragma multi_compile_fog
+			#pragma instancing_options renderinglayer
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+				float3 normalWS : TEXCOORD0;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _MainTexChannel;
+			float4 _Color;
+			float _MainTexRotation;
+			float _Intensity;
+			float _ca;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			struct SurfaceDescription
+			{
+				float Alpha;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold;
+			};
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction(VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o;
+				ZERO_INITIALIZE(VertexOutput, o);
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				float3 normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldNormal(v.ase_normal);
+				o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS);
+ =  normalWS;
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET
+			{
+				SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0;
+				surfaceDescription.Alpha = 1;
+				surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				#if _ALPHATEST_ON
+					clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold);
+				#endif
+					LODDitheringTransition(, unity_LODFade.x );
+				#endif
+				float3 normalWS = IN.normalWS;
+				return half4(NormalizeNormalPerPixel(normalWS), 0.0);
+			}
+        }
+        Pass
+        {
+            Name "DepthNormalsOnly"
+            Tags { "LightMode"="DepthNormalsOnly" }
+			ZTest LEqual
+			ZWrite On
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma exclude_renderers glcore gles gles3 
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+				float3 normalWS : TEXCOORD0;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _MainTexChannel;
+			float4 _Color;
+			float _MainTexRotation;
+			float _Intensity;
+			float _ca;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			struct SurfaceDescription
+			{
+				float Alpha;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold;
+			};
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction(VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o;
+				ZERO_INITIALIZE(VertexOutput, o);
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				float3 normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldNormal(v.ase_normal);
+				o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS);
+ =  normalWS;
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET
+			{
+				SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0;
+				surfaceDescription.Alpha = 1;
+				surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				#if _ALPHATEST_ON
+					clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold);
+				#endif
+					LODDitheringTransition(, unity_LODFade.x );
+				#endif
+				float3 normalWS = IN.normalWS;
+				return half4(NormalizeNormalPerPixel(normalWS), 0.0);
+			}
+        }
+	}
+	CustomEditor "UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI"
+	Fallback "Hidden/InternalErrorShader"
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+Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;0;0,0;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;1;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;ExtraPrePass;0;0;ExtraPrePass;5;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;False;False;False;True;3;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;True;2;True;17;d3d9;d3d11;glcore;gles;gles3;metal;vulkan;xbox360;xboxone;xboxseries;ps4;playstation;psp2;n3ds;wiiu;switch;nomrt;0;False;True;1;1;False;-1;0;False;-1;0;1;False;-1;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;True;True;True;True;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;True;1;False;-1;True;3;False;-1;True;True;0;False;-1;0;False;-1;True;0;False;False;0;Hidden/InternalErrorShader;0;0;Standard;0;False;0
+Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;6;0,0;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;1;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;SceneSelectionPass;0;6;SceneSelectionPass;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;False;False;False;True;3;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;True;2;True;17;d3d9;d3d11;glcore;gles;gles3;metal;vulkan;xbox360;xboxone;xboxseries;ps4;playstation;psp2;n3ds;wiiu;switch;nomrt;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;2;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;LightMode=SceneSelectionPass;False;True;4;d3d11;glcore;gles;gles3;0;Hidden/InternalErrorShader;0;0;Standard;0;False;0
+Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;9;0,0;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;1;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;DepthNormalsOnly;0;9;DepthNormalsOnly;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;False;False;False;True;3;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;True;2;True;17;d3d9;d3d11;glcore;gles;gles3;metal;vulkan;xbox360;xboxone;xboxseries;ps4;playstation;psp2;n3ds;wiiu;switch;nomrt;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;False;-1;True;3;False;-1;False;True;1;LightMode=DepthNormalsOnly;False;True;15;d3d9;d3d11_9x;d3d11;metal;vulkan;xbox360;xboxone;xboxseries;ps4;playstation;psp2;n3ds;wiiu;switch;nomrt;0;Hidden/InternalErrorShader;0;0;Standard;0;False;0
+Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;1;781.2789,202.7687;Float;False;True;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;3;LT/Add;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;Forward;0;1;Forward;8;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;True;2;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;False;False;False;True;3;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Transparent=RenderType;Queue=Transparent=Queue=0;True;2;True;8;d3d9;d3d11;glcore;gles;gles3;metal;vulkan;nomrt;0;False;True;1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;1;False;-1;10;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;True;True;True;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;True;2;False;-1;True;3;False;-1;True;True;0;False;-1;0;False;-1;True;1;LightMode=UniversalForwardOnly;False;False;0;Hidden/InternalErrorShader;0;0;Standard;22;Surface;1;637813831633152730;  Blend;2;637813831651146071;Two Sided;0;637813845495875074;Cast Shadows;0;637813831606789609;  Use Shadow Threshold;0;0;Receive Shadows;0;637813831601474036;GPU Instancing;1;0;LOD CrossFade;0;0;Built-in Fog;0;0;DOTS Instancing;0;0;Meta Pass;0;0;Extra Pre Pass;0;0;Tessellation;0;0;  Phong;0;0;  Strength;0.5,False,-1;0;  Type;0;0;  Tess;16,False,-1;0;  Min;10,False,-1;0;  Max;25,False,-1;0;  Edge Length;16,False,-1;0;  Max Displacement;25,False,-1;0;Vertex Position,InvertActionOnDeselection;1;0;0;10;False;True;False;True;False;True;True;True;True;True;False;;False;0
+Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;4;0,0;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;1;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;Meta;0;4;Meta;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;False;False;False;True;3;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;True;2;True;17;d3d9;d3d11;glcore;gles;gles3;metal;vulkan;xbox360;xboxone;xboxseries;ps4;playstation;psp2;n3ds;wiiu;switch;nomrt;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;2;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;LightMode=Meta;False;False;0;Hidden/InternalErrorShader;0;0;Standard;0;False;0
+Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;2;0,0;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;1;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;ShadowCaster;0;2;ShadowCaster;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;False;False;False;True;3;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;True;2;True;17;d3d9;d3d11;glcore;gles;gles3;metal;vulkan;xbox360;xboxone;xboxseries;ps4;playstation;psp2;n3ds;wiiu;switch;nomrt;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;True;False;False;False;False;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;False;-1;True;3;False;-1;False;True;1;LightMode=ShadowCaster;False;False;0;Hidden/InternalErrorShader;0;0;Standard;0;False;0
+Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;8;0,0;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;1;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;DepthNormals;0;8;DepthNormals;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;False;False;False;True;3;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;True;2;True;17;d3d9;d3d11;glcore;gles;gles3;metal;vulkan;xbox360;xboxone;xboxseries;ps4;playstation;psp2;n3ds;wiiu;switch;nomrt;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;False;-1;True;3;False;-1;False;True;1;LightMode=DepthNormalsOnly;False;True;4;d3d11;glcore;gles;gles3;0;Hidden/InternalErrorShader;0;0;Standard;0;False;0
+Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;3;0,0;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;1;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;DepthOnly;0;3;DepthOnly;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;False;False;False;True;3;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;True;2;True;17;d3d9;d3d11;glcore;gles;gles3;metal;vulkan;xbox360;xboxone;xboxseries;ps4;playstation;psp2;n3ds;wiiu;switch;nomrt;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;True;False;False;False;False;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;1;False;-1;False;False;True;1;LightMode=DepthOnly;False;False;0;Hidden/InternalErrorShader;0;0;Standard;0;False;0
+Node;AmplifyShaderEditor.TemplateMultiPassMasterNode;5;0,0;Float;False;False;-1;2;UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI;0;1;New Amplify Shader;2992e84f91cbeb14eab234972e07ea9d;True;Universal2D;0;5;Universal2D;0;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;0;False;-1;False;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;False;False;False;True;3;RenderPipeline=UniversalPipeline;RenderType=Opaque=RenderType;Queue=Geometry=Queue=0;True;2;True;17;d3d9;d3d11;glcore;gles;gles3;metal;vulkan;xbox360;xboxone;xboxseries;ps4;playstation;psp2;n3ds;wiiu;switch;nomrt;0;False;True;1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;1;False;-1;10;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;True;True;True;True;0;False;-1;False;False;False;False;False;False;False;True;False;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;255;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;7;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;1;False;-1;False;True;2;False;-1;True;3;False;-1;True;True;0;False;-1;0;False;-1;True;1;LightMode=Universal2D;False;False;0;Hidden/InternalErrorShader;0;0;Standard;0;False;0

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 5d58d9325e3e1e444be135e45505d6a2
+  externalObjects: {}
+  defaultTextures: []
+  nonModifiableTextures: []
+  preprocessorOverride: 0
+  userData: 
+  assetBundleName: 
+  assetBundleVariant: 

+ 2060 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2060 @@
+// Made with Amplify Shader Editor
+// Available at the Unity Asset Store - 
+Shader "LT/AddMoveTurbDissolve"
+	Properties
+	{
+		[HideInInspector] _EmissionColor("Emission Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
+		[HideInInspector] _AlphaCutoff("Alpha Cutoff ", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
+		[ASEBegin]_CTime("_CTime", Float) = 1
+		[HDR]_Main_Color("Main_Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
+		_Alpha("Alpha", Range( 0 , 1)) = 1
+		_Main_Tex("Main_Tex", 2D) = "white" {}
+		_MainAlpha("MainAlpha", Range( 0 , 1)) = 0
+		_Main_UV("Main_UV", Vector) = (0,0,0,0)
+		_CustomDataMainUV("CustomDataMainUV", Range( 0 , 1)) = 0
+		_Turb_Noise("Turb_Noise", 2D) = "white" {}
+		_Turb_Value("Turb_Value", Float) = 0
+		_Turb_UV("Turb_UV", Vector) = (0,0,0,0)
+		_dissolve("dissolve", 2D) = "white" {}
+		_Diss_value("Diss_value", Float) = 0
+		_DissSoft("DissSoft", Float) = 0
+		_Diss_UV("Diss_UV", Vector) = (0,0,0,0)
+		_CustomDataDissolve("CustomDataDissolve", Range( 0 , 1)) = 0
+		_Mask("Mask", 2D) = "white" {}
+		_MaskUVSpeed("MaskUVSpeed", Vector) = (0,0,0,0)
+		[ASEEnd]_ca("_ca", Float) = 1
+		[HideInInspector]_QueueOffset("_QueueOffset", Float) = 0
+        [HideInInspector]_QueueControl("_QueueControl", Float) = -1
+        [HideInInspector][NoScaleOffset]unity_Lightmaps("unity_Lightmaps", 2DArray) = "" {}
+        [HideInInspector][NoScaleOffset]unity_LightmapsInd("unity_LightmapsInd", 2DArray) = "" {}
+        [HideInInspector][NoScaleOffset]unity_ShadowMasks("unity_ShadowMasks", 2DArray) = "" {}
+		//_TessPhongStrength( "Tess Phong Strength", Range( 0, 1 ) ) = 0.5
+		//_TessValue( "Tess Max Tessellation", Range( 1, 32 ) ) = 16
+		//_TessMin( "Tess Min Distance", Float ) = 10
+		//_TessMax( "Tess Max Distance", Float ) = 25
+		//_TessEdgeLength ( "Tess Edge length", Range( 2, 50 ) ) = 16
+		//_TessMaxDisp( "Tess Max Displacement", Float ) = 25
+	}
+	SubShader
+	{
+		LOD 0
+		Tags { "RenderPipeline"="UniversalPipeline" "RenderType"="Transparent" "Queue"="Transparent" }
+		Cull Off
+		AlphaToMask Off
+		#pragma target 3.0
+		#pragma prefer_hlslcc gles
+		#pragma only_renderers d3d9 d3d11 glcore gles gles3 metal vulkan nomrt 
+		#ifndef ASE_TESS_FUNCS
+		#define ASE_TESS_FUNCS
+		float4 FixedTess( float tessValue )
+		{
+			return tessValue;
+		}
+		float CalcDistanceTessFactor (float4 vertex, float minDist, float maxDist, float tess, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos )
+		{
+			float3 wpos = mul(o2w,vertex).xyz;
+			float dist = distance (wpos, cameraPos);
+			float f = clamp(1.0 - (dist - minDist) / (maxDist - minDist), 0.01, 1.0) * tess;
+			return f;
+		}
+		float4 CalcTriEdgeTessFactors (float3 triVertexFactors)
+		{
+			float4 tess;
+			tess.x = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.y + triVertexFactors.z);
+			tess.y = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.z);
+			tess.z = 0.5 * (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.y);
+			tess.w = (triVertexFactors.x + triVertexFactors.y + triVertexFactors.z) / 3.0f;
+			return tess;
+		}
+		float CalcEdgeTessFactor (float3 wpos0, float3 wpos1, float edgeLen, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams )
+		{
+			float dist = distance (0.5 * (wpos0+wpos1), cameraPos);
+			float len = distance(wpos0, wpos1);
+			float f = max(len * scParams.y / (edgeLen * dist), 1.0);
+			return f;
+		}
+		float DistanceFromPlane (float3 pos, float4 plane)
+		{
+			float d = dot (float4(pos,1.0f), plane);
+			return d;
+		}
+		bool WorldViewFrustumCull (float3 wpos0, float3 wpos1, float3 wpos2, float cullEps, float4 planes[6] )
+		{
+			float4 planeTest;
+			planeTest.x = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[0]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+			planeTest.y = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[1]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+			planeTest.z = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[2]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+			planeTest.w = (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos0, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos1, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) +
+						  (( DistanceFromPlane(wpos2, planes[3]) > -cullEps) ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
+			return !all (planeTest);
+		}
+		float4 DistanceBasedTess( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float tess, float minDist, float maxDist, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos )
+		{
+			float3 f;
+			f.x = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v0,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos);
+			f.y = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v1,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos);
+			f.z = CalcDistanceTessFactor (v2,minDist,maxDist,tess,o2w,cameraPos);
+			return CalcTriEdgeTessFactors (f);
+		}
+		float4 EdgeLengthBasedTess( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float edgeLength, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams )
+		{
+			float3 pos0 = mul(o2w,v0).xyz;
+			float3 pos1 = mul(o2w,v1).xyz;
+			float3 pos2 = mul(o2w,v2).xyz;
+			float4 tess;
+			tess.x = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos1, pos2, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+			tess.y = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos2, pos0, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+			tess.z = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos0, pos1, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+			tess.w = (tess.x + tess.y + tess.z) / 3.0f;
+			return tess;
+		}
+		float4 EdgeLengthBasedTessCull( float4 v0, float4 v1, float4 v2, float edgeLength, float maxDisplacement, float4x4 o2w, float3 cameraPos, float4 scParams, float4 planes[6] )
+		{
+			float3 pos0 = mul(o2w,v0).xyz;
+			float3 pos1 = mul(o2w,v1).xyz;
+			float3 pos2 = mul(o2w,v2).xyz;
+			float4 tess;
+			if (WorldViewFrustumCull(pos0, pos1, pos2, maxDisplacement, planes))
+			{
+				tess = 0.0f;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				tess.x = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos1, pos2, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+				tess.y = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos2, pos0, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+				tess.z = CalcEdgeTessFactor (pos0, pos1, edgeLength, cameraPos, scParams);
+				tess.w = (tess.x + tess.y + tess.z) / 3.0f;
+			}
+			return tess;
+		}
+		#endif //ASE_TESS_FUNCS
+		Pass
+		{
+			Name "Forward"
+			Tags { "LightMode"="UniversalForwardOnly" }
+			Blend One One, One One
+			ZWrite Off
+			ZTest LEqual
+			Offset 0 , 0
+			ColorMask RGBA
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma multi_compile _ LIGHTMAP_ON
+			#pragma multi_compile _ DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED
+			#pragma shader_feature _ _SAMPLE_GI
+			#pragma multi_compile _ _DBUFFER_MRT1 _DBUFFER_MRT2 _DBUFFER_MRT3
+			#pragma multi_compile _ DEBUG_DISPLAY
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DBuffer.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Debug/Debugging3D.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Input.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/SurfaceData.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+				float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
+				float4 ase_texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+				float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
+				#endif
+				float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1;
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+				float fogFactor : TEXCOORD2;
+				#endif
+				float4 ase_texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3;
+				float4 ase_texcoord4 : TEXCOORD4;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _Main_Color;
+			float4 _Mask_ST;
+			float4 _Main_Tex_ST;
+			float4 _dissolve_ST;
+			float4 _Turb_Noise_ST;
+			float2 _Main_UV;
+			float2 _Diss_UV;
+			float2 _MaskUVSpeed;
+			float2 _Turb_UV;
+			float _CustomDataMainUV;
+			float _MainAlpha;
+			float _CTime;
+			float _ca;
+			float _Alpha;
+			float _Diss_value;
+			float _CustomDataDissolve;
+			float _DissSoft;
+			float _Turb_Value;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			sampler2D _Main_Tex;
+			sampler2D _Turb_Noise;
+			sampler2D _Mask;
+			sampler2D _dissolve;
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction ( VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0;
+				o.ase_texcoord3.xy = v.ase_texcoord.xy;
+				o.ase_texcoord4 = v.ase_texcoord1;
+				o.ase_color = v.ase_color;
+				//setting value to unused interpolator channels and avoid initialization warnings
+ = 0;
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				float4 positionCS = TransformWorldToHClip( positionWS );
+				o.worldPos = positionWS;
+				#endif
+				VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = (VertexPositionInputs)0;
+				vertexInput.positionWS = positionWS;
+				vertexInput.positionCS = positionCS;
+				o.shadowCoord = GetShadowCoord( vertexInput );
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+				o.fogFactor = ComputeFogFactor( positionCS.z );
+				#endif
+				o.clipPos = positionCS;
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+				float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
+				float4 ase_texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				o.ase_texcoord = v.ase_texcoord;
+				o.ase_texcoord1 = v.ase_texcoord1;
+				o.ase_color = v.ase_color;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z;
+				o.ase_texcoord1 = patch[0].ase_texcoord1 * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord1 * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord1 * bary.z;
+				o.ase_color = patch[0].ase_color * bary.x + patch[1].ase_color * bary.y + patch[2].ase_color * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag ( VertexOutput IN  ) : SV_Target
+			{
+				float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos;
+				#endif
+				float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+						ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord;
+						ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition );
+					#endif
+				#endif
+				float2 uv_Turb_Noise = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * _Turb_Noise_ST.xy +;
+				float2 panner12 = ( 1.0 * _Time.y * ( _Turb_UV * _CTime ) + uv_Turb_Noise);
+				float2 uv_Main_Tex = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * _Main_Tex_ST.xy +;
+				float2 panner19 = ( 1.0 * _Time.y * ( _Main_UV * _CTime ) + uv_Main_Tex);
+				float4 texCoord45 = IN.ase_texcoord4;
+				texCoord45.xy = IN.ase_texcoord4.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 );
+				float2 appendResult44 = (float2(texCoord45.z , texCoord45.w));
+				float2 lerpResult46 = lerp( panner19 , ( appendResult44 + uv_Main_Tex ) , round( _CustomDataMainUV ));
+				float4 tex2DNode10 = tex2D( _Main_Tex, ( ( tex2D( _Turb_Noise, panner12 ).r * _Turb_Value ) + lerpResult46 ) );
+				float4 temp_cast_0 = (tex2DNode10.a).xxxx;
+				float4 lerpResult58 = lerp( tex2DNode10 , temp_cast_0 , round( _MainAlpha ));
+				float2 uv_Mask = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * _Mask_ST.xy +;
+				float2 panner53 = ( 1.0 * _Time.y * ( _MaskUVSpeed * _CTime ) + uv_Mask);
+				float4 texCoord48 = IN.ase_texcoord4;
+				texCoord48.xy = IN.ase_texcoord4.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 );
+				float lerpResult69 = lerp( _Diss_value , texCoord48.x , _CustomDataDissolve);
+				float lerpResult50 = lerp( _Diss_value , texCoord48.x , round( _CustomDataDissolve ));
+				float2 uv_dissolve = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * _dissolve_ST.xy +;
+				float2 panner31 = ( 1.0 * _Time.y * ( _Diss_UV * _CTime ) + uv_dissolve);
+				float smoothstepResult33 = smoothstep( lerpResult69 , ( lerpResult50 + _DissSoft ) , tex2D( _dissolve, panner31 ).r);
+				float3 BakedAlbedo = 0;
+				float3 BakedEmission = 0;
+				float3 Color = ( lerpResult58 * _Main_Color * IN.ase_color * tex2D( _Mask, panner53 ).r * ( _ca * _Alpha ) * smoothstepResult33 ).rgb;
+				float Alpha = 1;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				float AlphaClipThresholdShadow = 0.5;
+				#ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON
+					clip( Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold );
+				#endif
+				#if defined(_DBUFFER)
+					ApplyDecalToBaseColor(IN.clipPos, Color);
+				#endif
+				#if defined(_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON)
+				Color *= Alpha;
+				#endif
+					LODDitheringTransition(, unity_LODFade.x );
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+					Color = MixFog( Color, IN.fogFactor );
+				#endif
+				return half4( Color, Alpha );
+			}
+		}
+		Pass
+		{
+			Name "DepthOnly"
+			Tags { "LightMode"="DepthOnly" }
+			ZWrite On
+			ColorMask 0
+			AlphaToMask Off
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+				float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
+				#endif
+				float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1;
+				#endif
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _Main_Color;
+			float4 _Mask_ST;
+			float4 _Main_Tex_ST;
+			float4 _dissolve_ST;
+			float4 _Turb_Noise_ST;
+			float2 _Main_UV;
+			float2 _Diss_UV;
+			float2 _MaskUVSpeed;
+			float2 _Turb_UV;
+			float _CustomDataMainUV;
+			float _MainAlpha;
+			float _CTime;
+			float _ca;
+			float _Alpha;
+			float _Diss_value;
+			float _CustomDataDissolve;
+			float _DissSoft;
+			float _Turb_Value;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction( VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0;
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				o.worldPos = positionWS;
+				#endif
+				o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip( positionWS );
+					VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = (VertexPositionInputs)0;
+					vertexInput.positionWS = positionWS;
+					vertexInput.positionCS = o.clipPos;
+					o.shadowCoord = GetShadowCoord( vertexInput );
+				#endif
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag(VertexOutput IN  ) : SV_TARGET
+			{
+				float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos;
+				#endif
+				float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+						ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord;
+						ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition );
+					#endif
+				#endif
+				float Alpha = 1;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				#ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON
+					clip(Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold);
+				#endif
+					LODDitheringTransition(, unity_LODFade.x );
+				#endif
+				return 0;
+			}
+		}
+		Pass
+		{
+			Name "Universal2D"
+			Tags { "LightMode"="Universal2D" }
+			Blend One One, One One
+			ZWrite Off
+			ZTest LEqual
+			Offset 0 , 0
+			ColorMask RGBA
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma multi_compile _ LIGHTMAP_ON
+			#pragma multi_compile _ DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED
+			#pragma shader_feature _ _SAMPLE_GI
+			#pragma multi_compile _ _DBUFFER_MRT1 _DBUFFER_MRT2 _DBUFFER_MRT3
+			#pragma multi_compile _ DEBUG_DISPLAY
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DBuffer.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Debug/Debugging3D.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Input.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/SurfaceData.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+				float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
+				float4 ase_texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+				float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
+				#endif
+				float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD1;
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+				float fogFactor : TEXCOORD2;
+				#endif
+				float4 ase_texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3;
+				float4 ase_texcoord4 : TEXCOORD4;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _Main_Color;
+			float4 _Mask_ST;
+			float4 _Main_Tex_ST;
+			float4 _dissolve_ST;
+			float4 _Turb_Noise_ST;
+			float2 _Main_UV;
+			float2 _Diss_UV;
+			float2 _MaskUVSpeed;
+			float2 _Turb_UV;
+			float _CustomDataMainUV;
+			float _MainAlpha;
+			float _CTime;
+			float _ca;
+			float _Alpha;
+			float _Diss_value;
+			float _CustomDataDissolve;
+			float _DissSoft;
+			float _Turb_Value;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			sampler2D _Main_Tex;
+			sampler2D _Turb_Noise;
+			sampler2D _Mask;
+			sampler2D _dissolve;
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction ( VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0;
+				o.ase_texcoord3.xy = v.ase_texcoord.xy;
+				o.ase_texcoord4 = v.ase_texcoord1;
+				o.ase_color = v.ase_color;
+				//setting value to unused interpolator channels and avoid initialization warnings
+ = 0;
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				float4 positionCS = TransformWorldToHClip( positionWS );
+				o.worldPos = positionWS;
+				#endif
+				VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = (VertexPositionInputs)0;
+				vertexInput.positionWS = positionWS;
+				vertexInput.positionCS = positionCS;
+				o.shadowCoord = GetShadowCoord( vertexInput );
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+				o.fogFactor = ComputeFogFactor( positionCS.z );
+				#endif
+				o.clipPos = positionCS;
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+				float4 ase_texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
+				float4 ase_texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1;
+				float4 ase_color : COLOR;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				o.ase_texcoord = v.ase_texcoord;
+				o.ase_texcoord1 = v.ase_texcoord1;
+				o.ase_color = v.ase_color;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				o.ase_texcoord = patch[0].ase_texcoord * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord * bary.z;
+				o.ase_texcoord1 = patch[0].ase_texcoord1 * bary.x + patch[1].ase_texcoord1 * bary.y + patch[2].ase_texcoord1 * bary.z;
+				o.ase_color = patch[0].ase_color * bary.x + patch[1].ase_color * bary.y + patch[2].ase_color * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag ( VertexOutput IN  ) : SV_Target
+			{
+				float3 WorldPosition = IN.worldPos;
+				#endif
+				float4 ShadowCoords = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+						ShadowCoords = IN.shadowCoord;
+						ShadowCoords = TransformWorldToShadowCoord( WorldPosition );
+					#endif
+				#endif
+				float2 uv_Turb_Noise = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * _Turb_Noise_ST.xy +;
+				float2 panner12 = ( 1.0 * _Time.y * ( _Turb_UV * _CTime ) + uv_Turb_Noise);
+				float2 uv_Main_Tex = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * _Main_Tex_ST.xy +;
+				float2 panner19 = ( 1.0 * _Time.y * ( _Main_UV * _CTime ) + uv_Main_Tex);
+				float4 texCoord45 = IN.ase_texcoord4;
+				texCoord45.xy = IN.ase_texcoord4.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 );
+				float2 appendResult44 = (float2(texCoord45.z , texCoord45.w));
+				float2 lerpResult46 = lerp( panner19 , ( appendResult44 + uv_Main_Tex ) , round( _CustomDataMainUV ));
+				float4 tex2DNode10 = tex2D( _Main_Tex, ( ( tex2D( _Turb_Noise, panner12 ).r * _Turb_Value ) + lerpResult46 ) );
+				float4 temp_cast_0 = (tex2DNode10.a).xxxx;
+				float4 lerpResult58 = lerp( tex2DNode10 , temp_cast_0 , round( _MainAlpha ));
+				float2 uv_Mask = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * _Mask_ST.xy +;
+				float2 panner53 = ( 1.0 * _Time.y * ( _MaskUVSpeed * _CTime ) + uv_Mask);
+				float4 texCoord48 = IN.ase_texcoord4;
+				texCoord48.xy = IN.ase_texcoord4.xy * float2( 1,1 ) + float2( 0,0 );
+				float lerpResult69 = lerp( _Diss_value , texCoord48.x , _CustomDataDissolve);
+				float lerpResult50 = lerp( _Diss_value , texCoord48.x , round( _CustomDataDissolve ));
+				float2 uv_dissolve = IN.ase_texcoord3.xy * _dissolve_ST.xy +;
+				float2 panner31 = ( 1.0 * _Time.y * ( _Diss_UV * _CTime ) + uv_dissolve);
+				float smoothstepResult33 = smoothstep( lerpResult69 , ( lerpResult50 + _DissSoft ) , tex2D( _dissolve, panner31 ).r);
+				float3 BakedAlbedo = 0;
+				float3 BakedEmission = 0;
+				float3 Color = ( lerpResult58 * _Main_Color * IN.ase_color * tex2D( _Mask, panner53 ).r * ( _ca * _Alpha ) * smoothstepResult33 ).rgb;
+				float Alpha = 1;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				float AlphaClipThresholdShadow = 0.5;
+				#ifdef _ALPHATEST_ON
+					clip( Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold );
+				#endif
+				#if defined(_DBUFFER)
+					ApplyDecalToBaseColor(IN.clipPos, Color);
+				#endif
+				#if defined(_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON)
+				Color *= Alpha;
+				#endif
+					LODDitheringTransition(, unity_LODFade.x );
+				#endif
+				#ifdef ASE_FOG
+					Color = MixFog( Color, IN.fogFactor );
+				#endif
+				return half4( Color, Alpha );
+			}
+		}
+        Pass
+        {
+            Name "SceneSelectionPass"
+            Tags { "LightMode"="SceneSelectionPass" }
+			Cull Off
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma only_renderers d3d11 glcore gles gles3 
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _Main_Color;
+			float4 _Mask_ST;
+			float4 _Main_Tex_ST;
+			float4 _dissolve_ST;
+			float4 _Turb_Noise_ST;
+			float2 _Main_UV;
+			float2 _Diss_UV;
+			float2 _MaskUVSpeed;
+			float2 _Turb_UV;
+			float _CustomDataMainUV;
+			float _MainAlpha;
+			float _CTime;
+			float _ca;
+			float _Alpha;
+			float _Diss_value;
+			float _CustomDataDissolve;
+			float _DissSoft;
+			float _Turb_Value;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			int _ObjectId;
+			int _PassValue;
+			struct SurfaceDescription
+			{
+				float Alpha;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold;
+			};
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction(VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o;
+				ZERO_INITIALIZE(VertexOutput, o);
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS);
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET
+			{
+				SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0;
+				surfaceDescription.Alpha = 1;
+				surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				#if _ALPHATEST_ON
+					float alphaClipThreshold = 0.01f;
+						alphaClipThreshold = surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold;
+					#endif
+					clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - alphaClipThreshold);
+				#endif
+				half4 outColor = half4(_ObjectId, _PassValue, 1.0, 1.0);
+				return outColor;
+			}
+        }
+        Pass
+        {
+            Name "ScenePickingPass"
+            Tags { "LightMode"="Picking" }
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma only_renderers d3d11 glcore gles gles3 
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _Main_Color;
+			float4 _Mask_ST;
+			float4 _Main_Tex_ST;
+			float4 _dissolve_ST;
+			float4 _Turb_Noise_ST;
+			float2 _Main_UV;
+			float2 _Diss_UV;
+			float2 _MaskUVSpeed;
+			float2 _Turb_UV;
+			float _CustomDataMainUV;
+			float _MainAlpha;
+			float _CTime;
+			float _ca;
+			float _Alpha;
+			float _Diss_value;
+			float _CustomDataDissolve;
+			float _DissSoft;
+			float _Turb_Value;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			float4 _SelectionID;
+			struct SurfaceDescription
+			{
+				float Alpha;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold;
+			};
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction(VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o;
+				ZERO_INITIALIZE(VertexOutput, o);
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS);
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET
+			{
+				SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0;
+				surfaceDescription.Alpha = 1;
+				surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				#if _ALPHATEST_ON
+					float alphaClipThreshold = 0.01f;
+						alphaClipThreshold = surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold;
+					#endif
+					clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - alphaClipThreshold);
+				#endif
+				half4 outColor = 0;
+				outColor = _SelectionID;
+				return outColor;
+			}
+        }
+        Pass
+        {
+            Name "DepthNormals"
+            Tags { "LightMode"="DepthNormalsOnly" }
+			ZTest LEqual
+			ZWrite On
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma only_renderers d3d11 glcore gles gles3 
+			#pragma multi_compile_fog
+			#pragma instancing_options renderinglayer
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+				float3 normalWS : TEXCOORD0;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _Main_Color;
+			float4 _Mask_ST;
+			float4 _Main_Tex_ST;
+			float4 _dissolve_ST;
+			float4 _Turb_Noise_ST;
+			float2 _Main_UV;
+			float2 _Diss_UV;
+			float2 _MaskUVSpeed;
+			float2 _Turb_UV;
+			float _CustomDataMainUV;
+			float _MainAlpha;
+			float _CTime;
+			float _ca;
+			float _Alpha;
+			float _Diss_value;
+			float _CustomDataDissolve;
+			float _DissSoft;
+			float _Turb_Value;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			struct SurfaceDescription
+			{
+				float Alpha;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold;
+			};
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction(VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o;
+				ZERO_INITIALIZE(VertexOutput, o);
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				float3 normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldNormal(v.ase_normal);
+				o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS);
+ =  normalWS;
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET
+			{
+				SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0;
+				surfaceDescription.Alpha = 1;
+				surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				#if _ALPHATEST_ON
+					clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold);
+				#endif
+					LODDitheringTransition(, unity_LODFade.x );
+				#endif
+				float3 normalWS = IN.normalWS;
+				return half4(NormalizeNormalPerPixel(normalWS), 0.0);
+			}
+        }
+        Pass
+        {
+            Name "DepthNormalsOnly"
+            Tags { "LightMode"="DepthNormalsOnly" }
+			ZTest LEqual
+			ZWrite On
+			#pragma multi_compile_instancing
+			#define _RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF 1
+			#define ASE_SRP_VERSION 999999
+			#pragma exclude_renderers glcore gles gles3 
+			#pragma vertex vert
+			#pragma fragment frag
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/TextureStack.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl"
+			#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/ShaderPass.hlsl"
+			struct VertexInput
+			{
+				float4 vertex : POSITION;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct VertexOutput
+			{
+				float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
+				float3 normalWS : TEXCOORD0;
+			};
+			CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial)
+			float4 _Main_Color;
+			float4 _Mask_ST;
+			float4 _Main_Tex_ST;
+			float4 _dissolve_ST;
+			float4 _Turb_Noise_ST;
+			float2 _Main_UV;
+			float2 _Diss_UV;
+			float2 _MaskUVSpeed;
+			float2 _Turb_UV;
+			float _CustomDataMainUV;
+			float _MainAlpha;
+			float _CTime;
+			float _ca;
+			float _Alpha;
+			float _Diss_value;
+			float _CustomDataDissolve;
+			float _DissSoft;
+			float _Turb_Value;
+				float _TessPhongStrength;
+				float _TessValue;
+				float _TessMin;
+				float _TessMax;
+				float _TessEdgeLength;
+				float _TessMaxDisp;
+			#endif
+			struct SurfaceDescription
+			{
+				float Alpha;
+				float AlphaClipThreshold;
+			};
+			VertexOutput VertexFunction(VertexInput v  )
+			{
+				VertexOutput o;
+				ZERO_INITIALIZE(VertexOutput, o);
+					float3 defaultVertexValue =;
+				#else
+					float3 defaultVertexValue = float3(0, 0, 0);
+				#endif
+				float3 vertexValue = defaultVertexValue;
+ = vertexValue;
+				#else
+ += vertexValue;
+				#endif
+				v.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld( );
+				float3 normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldNormal(v.ase_normal);
+				o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS);
+ =  normalWS;
+				return o;
+			}
+			#if defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
+			struct VertexControl
+			{
+				float4 vertex : INTERNALTESSPOS;
+				float3 ase_normal : NORMAL;
+			};
+			struct TessellationFactors
+			{
+				float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
+				float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
+			};
+			VertexControl vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				VertexControl o;
+				o.vertex = v.vertex;
+				o.ase_normal = v.ase_normal;
+				return o;
+			}
+			TessellationFactors TessellationFunction (InputPatch<VertexControl,3> v)
+			{
+				TessellationFactors o;
+				float4 tf = 1;
+				float tessValue = _TessValue; float tessMin = _TessMin; float tessMax = _TessMax;
+				float edgeLength = _TessEdgeLength; float tessMaxDisp = _TessMaxDisp;
+				#if defined(ASE_FIXED_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = FixedTess( tessValue );
+				tf = DistanceBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, tessValue, tessMin, tessMax, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos );
+				#elif defined(ASE_LENGTH_TESSELLATION)
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTess(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams );
+				tf = EdgeLengthBasedTessCull(v[0].vertex, v[1].vertex, v[2].vertex, edgeLength, tessMaxDisp, GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ScreenParams, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes );
+				#endif
+				o.edge[0] = tf.x; o.edge[1] = tf.y; o.edge[2] = tf.z; o.inside = tf.w;
+				return o;
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			[partitioning("fractional_odd")]
+			[outputtopology("triangle_cw")]
+			[patchconstantfunc("TessellationFunction")]
+			[outputcontrolpoints(3)]
+			VertexControl HullFunction(InputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
+			{
+			   return patch[id];
+			}
+			[domain("tri")]
+			VertexOutput DomainFunction(TessellationFactors factors, OutputPatch<VertexControl, 3> patch, float3 bary : SV_DomainLocation)
+			{
+				VertexInput o = (VertexInput) 0;
+				o.vertex = patch[0].vertex * bary.x + patch[1].vertex * bary.y + patch[2].vertex * bary.z;
+				o.ase_normal = patch[0].ase_normal * bary.x + patch[1].ase_normal * bary.y + patch[2].ase_normal * bary.z;
+				#if defined(ASE_PHONG_TESSELLATION)
+				float3 pp[3];
+				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+					pp[i] = - patch[i].ase_normal * (dot(, patch[i].ase_normal) - dot(patch[i], patch[i].ase_normal));
+				float phongStrength = _TessPhongStrength;
+ = phongStrength * (pp[0]*bary.x + pp[1]*bary.y + pp[2]*bary.z) + (1.0f-phongStrength) *;
+				#endif
+				return VertexFunction(o);
+			}
+			#else
+			VertexOutput vert ( VertexInput v )
+			{
+				return VertexFunction( v );
+			}
+			#endif
+			half4 frag(VertexOutput IN ) : SV_TARGET
+			{
+				SurfaceDescription surfaceDescription = (SurfaceDescription)0;
+				surfaceDescription.Alpha = 1;
+				surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold = 0.5;
+				#if _ALPHATEST_ON
+					clip(surfaceDescription.Alpha - surfaceDescription.AlphaClipThreshold);
+				#endif
+					LODDitheringTransition(, unity_LODFade.x );
+				#endif
+				float3 normalWS = IN.normalWS;
+				return half4(NormalizeNormalPerPixel(normalWS), 0.0);
+			}
+        }
+	}
+	CustomEditor "UnityEditor.ShaderGraphUnlitGUI"
+	Fallback "Hidden/InternalErrorShader"
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+    m_Value: 64
+  numLightSteps:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 6
+  cloudMap:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: {fileID: 0}
+    dimension: 2
+  cloudLut:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: {fileID: 0}
+    dimension: 2
+  cloudControl:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0
+  cloudPreset:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0
+  cumulusMap:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: {fileID: 0}
+    dimension: 2
+  cumulusMapMultiplier:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 1
+  altoStratusMap:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: {fileID: 0}
+    dimension: 2
+  altoStratusMapMultiplier:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 1
+  cumulonimbusMap:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: {fileID: 0}
+    dimension: 2
+  cumulonimbusMapMultiplier:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 1
+  rainMap:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: {fileID: 0}
+    dimension: 2
+  cloudMapResolution:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 64
+  customDensityCurve:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      m_Curve:
+      - serializedVersion: 3
+        time: 0
+        value: 0
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+        outSlope: 0
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+        weightedMode: 0
+        inWeight: 0
+        outWeight: 0
+      - serializedVersion: 3
+        time: 0.2
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+        outSlope: 0
+        tangentMode: 0
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+        inWeight: 0
+        outWeight: 0
+      - serializedVersion: 3
+        time: 0.5
+        value: 0.7
+        inSlope: 0
+        outSlope: 0
+        tangentMode: 0
+        weightedMode: 0
+        inWeight: 0
+        outWeight: 0
+      - serializedVersion: 3
+        time: 0.8
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+        weightedMode: 0
+        inWeight: 0
+        outWeight: 0
+      - serializedVersion: 3
+        time: 1
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+        inWeight: 0
+        outWeight: 0
+      m_PreInfinity: 2
+      m_PostInfinity: 2
+      m_RotationOrder: 4
+  customErosionCurve:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value:
+      serializedVersion: 2
+      m_Curve:
+      - serializedVersion: 3
+        time: 0
+        value: 0.9
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+        weightedMode: 0
+        inWeight: 0
+        outWeight: 0
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+        inWeight: 0
+        outWeight: 0
+      - serializedVersion: 3
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+        inWeight: 0
+        outWeight: 0
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+        outWeight: 0
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+      m_PostInfinity: 2
+      m_RotationOrder: 4
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+    m_OverrideState: 1
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+      serializedVersion: 2
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+      - serializedVersion: 3
+        time: 0
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+        inWeight: 0
+        outWeight: 0
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+      m_PostInfinity: 2
+      m_RotationOrder: 4
+  scatteringTint:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: {r: 0.8396226, g: 0.71970284, b: 0.4712976, a: 1}
+  powderEffectIntensity:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0.185
+  multiScattering:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0.5
+  densityMultiplier:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0.309
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+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0.75
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+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 2.5
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+    m_OverrideState: 1
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+  erosionFactor:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0.5
+  erosionScale:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 50
+  erosionNoiseType:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 1
+  ambientLightProbeDimmer:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 1
+  sunLightDimmer:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0.194
+  erosionOcclusion:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0.225
+  globalWindSpeed:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value:
+      mode: 1
+      customValue: 100
+      additiveValue: 0
+      multiplyValue: 1
+  orientation:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value:
+      mode: 1
+      customValue: 0
+      additiveValue: 0
+      multiplyValue: 1
+  altitudeDistortion:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 1
+  cloudMapSpeedMultiplier:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0.5
+  shapeSpeedMultiplier:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0.842
+  erosionSpeedMultiplier:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0.25
+  verticalShapeWindSpeed:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0
+  verticalErosionWindSpeed:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0
+  temporalAccumulationFactor:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 1
+  ghostingReduction:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0
+  perceptualBlending:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 1
+  shadows:
+    m_OverrideState: 0
+    m_Value: 0
+  shadowResolution:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 256
+  shadowPlaneHeightOffset:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0
+  shadowDistance:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 8000
+  shadowOpacity:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 1
+  shadowOpacityFallback:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0
+  m_Version: 2
+  m_ObsoleteWindSpeed:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 1
+  m_ObsoleteOrientation:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0
+  m_ObsoleteShapeOffsetX:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0
+  m_ObsoleteShapeOffsetY:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 0
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+    m_OverrideState: 1
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+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 58
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+    m_OverrideState: 1
+    m_Value: 39
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+  active: 1
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+  gain:
+    m_OverrideState: 1
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